LOLER Inspection Frequency and Requirements
In order to carry out safe and successful lifting operations, the continued safety of the lifting equipment and any lifting accessories being used within these operations is essential. In the event any failures occur during the operation of this kind of equipment, the result could be significant or fatal injuries for those involved.
What is a LOLER Inspection?
According to HSE, LOLER (Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations) is defined as a duty to ‘people and companies who own, operate or have control over lifting equipment.” This definition encapsulates every business and organisation where employees are using lifting equipment.
LOLER requires that “all equipment used for lifting is fit for purpose, appropriate for the task, suitably marked and, in many cases, subject to statutory periodic ‘LOLER thorough inspection.” LOLER also states that records of all LOLER thorough inspections must be kept on hand and that any defects found within the lifting equipment during inspections must be reported to both the person responsible for the equipment and the relevant enforcing authorities.
Depending on the kind of lifting equipment in use, LOLER regulations legally require a 6 or 12-month inspection to be carried out by a competent person. If the lifting equipment is brand-new, the equipment should be examined before its first use and operation, and regularly throughout its service life – meaning that the recommended LOLER inspection frequency for all lifting equipment is at least every 6 months.
LOLER regulations are in place to guarantee that lifting equipment conforms to regulation standards and that they are safe to use. If any equipment develops a fault, it could lead to injury or fatality.
Health, Safety & Legal Requirements for LOLER
According to health and safety law, there are a number of specific obligations and requirements on bodies providing, controlling, and or using any lifting equipment and work equipment in order to properly manage and mitigate these potential risks.
In addition to the legal requirements for the safe design and construction for any lifting equipment, this equipment is also required to be checked and maintained as necessary; meaning it is kept safe for use.
In order to adhere to the legal requirements set out by LOLER regulations:
- Users will need to undertake simple pre-use checks of the equipment or make checks on a daily basis.
- In some cases, these inspections and checks will need to be made on a regular, often weekly, basis; but this could also be monthly or quarterly.
- Employers should guarantee that the lifting equipment is thoroughly examined and inspected at least once or twice annually. However, this can be more or less frequent depending on the type of lifting equipment in question.
In order to verify that the lifting equipment designed for use can continue to be used in a safe and secure manner, these checks are necessary.
To book your LOLER inspection, contact Gartec today.
How Often Should LOLER Inspections be Carried Out?
Any lifting equipment that is designed to move people, in any capacity, will require at least two LOLER lift inspections per year. For goods lifts, only one LOLER lift inspection is required per year. If any significant changes or adjustments are made to the lift, an additional LOLER inspection will be required prior to its first use after the changes have been made.
There are four categories for when LOLER inspections are required.
These include:
- Before first time use:
If the lift was assembled on-site, the lift must receive a LOLER inspection from a competent person in order to guarantee that the assembly of the lift was completed correctly and safely. However, if the lifting equipment has a declaration of conformity less than one year old, and was not assembled on site, a LOLER inspection will not need to take place.
- Following exceptional circumstances:
If any exceptional circumstances occur which have the potential to jeopardise the safety of the lifting equipment in use, a LOLER inspection will be required. This can include:
- Damage or failure
- Being out of use for long periods
- Major changes or alterations which could affect the equipment’s integrity
- Damage or failure
- After assembly and before use at each location:
For equipment that requires assembly or installation before use, such as tower cranes.
- Regularly, whilst it is in service:
If the lifting equipment is exposed to any conditions which may cause deterioration, such as weather, or the lifting equipment is subject to wear and tear, regular in-service LOLER inspections will be required. In this instance, you have the choice of:
- Arranging for thorough examinations to be conducted at specified intervals of either every 6 or 12 months depending on the equipment.
- Carrying out examinations in accordance with an examination scheme, drawn up by a competent person.
What is a Competent Person?
Per the LOLER Approved Code of Practice and guidance, it is stated that a competent person, with thorough knowledge, training and experience of lifting equipment can inspect and assist if any defects are found. This person needs to be trained prior to the appropriate practical and theoretical knowledge.
However, the competent person can not be the same person who was responsible for the pre-use checks, it must be someone different. This allows an additional safety level and can reduce risk even further.
What Do LOLER Regulations Inspections Include?
A LOLER inspection will be carried out by a competent person who tests the equipment mechanically, performs any required maintenance, and checks the environment for any faults or defects. If any manufacturing faults or malpractices are found, they can be identified via a LOLER lift inspection.
Following a LOLER inspection, the lift can be fixed where necessary, and safe practises can be put in place. For example, this may mean ensuring the lift loads are not overweight in order to prevent any damage or risks to the user.
LOLER passenger lift inspections identify that platform lifts must be:
- Positioned and installed to minimise risks
- Strong, stable and secure enough for the specific use, including correct safe working loads, as well as being clearly labelled and signed.
- Planned and supervised by competent persons.
- Used as safely as possible.
LOLER inspection requirements mean that a LOLER inspection from Gartec will include the following:
- We will issue you with a scheme of examination (SOE) prior to our visit. The SOE will depict all of the steps our engineer will carry out during your LOLER inspection, and this will be issued when the LOLER Inspection is originally booked in.
- A trained and experienced Gartec engineer will arrive at your business, workplace or property on the date agreed for the service. Please let us know prior to the visit if you have any requirements from our team, and we will do our best to accommodate them.
- Our Gartec LOLER inspection engineer will work to the scheme of examination (SOE) already provided and carry out between 39-46 checks. The number of checks is dependent upon which platform lift you have, and they will include checks on certain parts of your lift, like: the electrical cabinet, shaft pit, doors, platform, motor/screw/guides and other general checks.
- Once concluded, you will be provided with a Gartec LOLER inspection certificate – also known as a signed report. This LOLER certificate will detail all the essentials you need to know about the LOLER inspection of your lift, as well as any details of any damage, repairs, or alterations needed to be made to the lift.
Two signatures will be required for this: one for the person who has completed the report, and the other for an authenticator.
What Happens if I Don’t Have a LOLER Inspection?
Having regular LOLER inspections carried out will help to significantly reduce any risks of injury and death. Lift owners that fail to comply with the Health and Safety Executive will be putting their employees at risk and additionally may suffer legal implications. This is defined by LOLER (The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations, 1998) as well as in the Health and Safety Act.
Contact Gartec for LOLER Inspections Today
With over 25 years of experience in the lift industry, we understand how important it is to have safe and secure passenger and goods lifts. In order to prevent any dangerous situations from occurring, Gartec has provided LOLER inspections since 1998 when the regulations were first brought in, making us one of the only LOLER inspection companies who have been providing the service across the nation since the beginning.
We always provide a stress-free service, from qualified, competent engineers, and even have a network of UK based engineers and provide LOLER inspections along with tailored servicing and maintenance that works for you or your business.
Please note we can only provide LOLER Inspections on Aritco/Gartec platform lifts only (unfortunately we do not provide LOLERS on any conventional lifts).
For high-quality and cost-effective LOLER inspections, and other lift services, on your property, get in touch with Gartec today.