The success of our recently installed Aritco HomeLift Access by Gartec Lifts
What to look for when choosing a lift?
Nick Goss, a kind customer of ours, agreed to talk about his experience with Gartec when installing a lift within his home. As a wheelchair user, it is incredibly important to get the lift right for him and his whole family. The goal was to choose a lift that could be installed within their hallway as they wanted to keep their living room space totally separate, it meant that when entering their home, Nick and the family could access the lift straight away and access the second floor.
As a customer, Nick and the family looked for a few main things from a lift company, these included good customer service (and a team that could communicate and advise throughout the whole process), a lift with specific weight capacity and sizing so it could comfortably accommodate a wheelchair and a great design so that it could seamlessly slot within the home with minimal noise and disruption.
Gartec achieved this by using the Aritco HomeLift Access, a popular model of ours chosen because of its size, weight and colour options. Additionally the energy benefits of the home lift provide low and minimal running costs, only requiring as little energy as a hairdryer or kettle uses – which is so important in an energy and cost of living crisis!
From our customer:
Buckinghamshire, Homeowner Nick Goss talks about the lift process with Gartec:
‘ Matt and the Gartec team have been great! Its about being passionate and getting it right for me and my family. Everyone at Gartec has been really helpful, I’ve never had a lift before, so initially I wondered what sort of lift is going to work for me and hoped the process would be smooth – and Gartec made it as smooth and professional as possible.
Gartec understood the context and wanted it to work for the whole family and not just from an accessibility point of view, Matt Akerman (Gartecs Home Sales Director) was family centric which really helped us get it right for the whole family. All my concerns and worries including whether it would take up too much space, or will it work all went away.
Matt knew how to work with us and also our builders, he understood the landscape and built confidence with me and my wife and was with us from the beginning through to installation and completion. We considered lots of different options and decided to go with the Aritco HomeLift Access, fitting it in our hallway travelling upstairs and opening into our bedroom. It’s been a success as I don’t have to think about it, the lift has become part of my routine – it doesn’t disrupt our bedroom because the lift is so quiet, you forget its there.
I’ve had the lift 4 months, and Matt has been available to everyone, when everything was supposed to happen it has and the builders were able to speak to him when they needed to, Gartec are completely passionate about what they do, and the lift now really feels part of the home. We are so happy with the overall result.’
Nick Goss, has his own consultancy supporting change and developing people, view his website here.
Get in touch today
If you would like to get in touch with us about buying a lift, the lift process, or what to think about if you are in early stages of researching what lift might be right for you, your family or your home, please get in touch with us, we will be happy to help with no obligation, we can provide free home visits and quotations. Call us on 01296 397100 or email us at